Thursday, July 21, 2005

Do it yourself home repair - home repairs assistance

home repairs assistance
'Home Repair Assistance' is a grant designed to provide help towards the cost If you want to apply for a home repair grant, the following must apply:-

housing improvement and repairs
'Home Repair Assistance' is a means-tested grant designed to provide help towards the cost of small repairs or improving or adapting properties to private

Luton Borough Council - Home Repairs Grant
Elderly couple, Home Repairs Grants are intended to cover small items of disrepair and are limited to a Central Government imposed maximum of 5000.

Home Repair Loans and Grants
The purpose of our Section 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant program is to provide loan and grant funds to be used to pay for needed repairs and improvements

Housing conditions home page *
where a landlord fails to do repairs or where the home lacks proper facilities (such Waverley Home Improvement Grant These grants are for minor repairs,

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